The Mindful Thinking: Negative Times Negative Equals Positive

The Mindful Thinking: Negative Times Negative, Equals Positive`

Stop thinking negative? Don’t. That shit never works. If only you try stopping it turns into this loop that you can never step out of. What does it breed? Anxiety, unpleasant moods, and depression. So how do I find solace? Will my mind ever shut me out from all the crap that it serves me? Being insensitive to your mental health wouldn’t work; start accepting how you feel. This is the first step to replace those negative thoughts.


Okay we agree, sometimes the enemy is right in front, while other times, it’s what breeds in. Everyone goes through negative thoughts like fear, rumination, anger, regret; but embracing this feeling is the most empowering step you’ll ever take. Trust us, once you are able to reason things out, you’ll be at an edge compared to others.

Negative Times Negative Equals Positive

It’s true, negative times negative can turn things towards positive, but you need to get your mental equation right. “Don’t let your emotions control you; rather you control them”

Why negative thoughts come in mind? Wish the answer was that easy. But, you need to learn to control your emotions. Next time when you’re angry, reason it out as to why you are acting the way that you are. Obviously that’s not how it works and punching a face would be an easier, more relieving option. We aren’t telling you to sulk on it, take it out but in the right way!

Why negative thoughts come in mind

Take charge of your mind. It can overpower you only if you let it. It should never be the case. Anyone who says “impulsive decisions are always great” is giving you a framed testimonial. You fight, break, and hurt yourself along with others, all by acting on impulse. Chances are you would’ve never done it if you gave yourself some time to process things and negative thoughts.

Do not dodge; Take fear in your grip

The feeling is never the problem; ‘issue’ is. Know why things are bothering you rather than dodging them or burying them deep in you. The bitter truth is, we are humans and we simply cannot let things go. It accumulates inside us, and when it’s out; it’s never pleasing.

So communicate- with others, with yourself. Write it down, talk to a friend, counselor, idol, go someplace you’re at peace, whatever works for you. The stillness and control you’ll gain over your negative thoughts can remove any setbacks and challenges you have; coz in the end, it is all in your head!

Know that the thoughts are just a fragment of YOUR imagination, and YOU have the power to change them. All it needs is time, consistency and a positive outlook at things, no matter how much they suck.

Stop Denying

Do you ever deny that you’re happy and at peace? Then why do you ignore sadness? Umm, because it feels terrible! Yes but, life is yin and yang. You need to acknowledge negative thoughts as much as the positive ones, and know that THIS SHALL PASS. Just trust time. Don’t try suppressing these thoughts, but no one’s stopping you from trying to make yourself happy. You deserve that.

We’ve got 60,000 thoughts every day, but negative ain’t one? Ariana mentioned her 99 problems, wrote a song about it, so you could too use a little inspiration and just not get to mad when life gives you lemons. Just try to think about the lemonade season that is right around the corner.

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