For years scientists and psychologists have pondered over the meaning of dreams and why shouldn’t they? We spend one-fourth of our lives sleeping and a significant amount of that dreaming. Engaging us for a huge period of our lives, the roles of dreams become significantly relevant. For the same reason, there have been countless studies on the interpretation of dreams. Not only scientists but even ancient Romans were interested to interpret the power of dream and we believe that you are no exception.
Keeping your interests in mind, we bring to you the most popular interpretation of dreams which translates your dreams to a reflection of yourself. Though there are other theories about what dreams might signify, none has been as widely accepted than the one we are going to talk about.
So, here we bring to you the science behind your most common dreams.
1. The Baby Boom
Some people believe that having a dream with a baby can be an indication of willingness to reproduce. Though this thought process could be true the baby could mean other things too. Such dreams represent the idea of wanting something new and exciting in your life. Dreams like this are often produced by the brain when you’re tired of living a monotonous life.
2. Travel
The mode of communication is not the prime factor of importance in such dreams but what’s important is the result. A dream in which your journey to your destination is smooth could point towards control, it can signify that you know exactly where your life is going. Whereas a dream with a rough journey could indicate uncertainty and lack of control over the current situation in your life.
3. Chase
A dream of being chased by someone could be caused by something in your life that is due and needs your attention. It doesn’t matter if you are chased by a person you know or a fictional character, the person chasing you is only a personification of a thing you haven’t decided on. These types of dreams are fairly caused by indecisiveness and anxiety.
4. Ocean
These dreams are a representation of emotions or moods. When a calm sea appears in your dreams, it points towards positive emotions like happiness and peace while a rough one could point toward negative emotions that you have suppressed. It can also signify that you are in pursuit of new opportunities and open to new experiences.
5. Naked
A dream where you are naked in front of people can point to a fear of exposing your true self to others. It could be indicating your lack of self-worth and consciousness making you vulnerable. These types of dreams could also point towards fear if you are afraid or stressed about something in your life it is not unusual to have such dreams.
6. Food
Dreams involving food signify hunger. This hunger is not necessarily limited to food but can also be caused by a willingness to consume other things like knowledge or insights. Food dreams are an indication of a desire but other theories say that different food could mean different things.
7. Flying
Dreaming about flying could be a reflection of various positive emotions like freedom and spiritual connection. Such dreams signify that you have control over your life just like you have control over your flight. An indication of confidence and prosperity, flying must certainly be our favourite dreams. But wait, if you are afraid while flying in your dream then it means you are afraid of your new challenges. Perhaps your dream wants you to grab the opportunity and let go of your fears.
8. Falling
A dream in which you are falling isn’t necessarily a negative indication. It is believed that falling dreams are telling you to wake up. When we are falling in our dreams, the sensation is so real that it often causes us to wake up but in reality, it is our natural alarm clock. A negative interpretation could be expected if you hit rock bottom after falling but if you wake up in the middle of it you don’t have to worry about it.
9. Death
Dreams about deaths are symbolic to the end of something, it could be a relationship, a job or a phase. It may also suggest unresolved anxiety or fear. Though such dreams could point towards a lot of negative emotions, it certainly isn’t a prediction of someone’s death.
10. Home
A house in your dream represents you and the various rooms represent different aspects and emotions of yourself. While dreaming of a kitchen could point to your career and living room point to your relationships. The most you should be concerned about is the basement, located at a lower level. It is a personification of your subconscious and dreaming about it could mean fear or insecurities.